Saturday, May 25, 2013

I received a bi-lateral lung transplant

I received a bi-lateral lung transplant 2 years ago and I know firsthand how hard it is when you are struggling to breathe. I have to say my heart goes out to Sarah and her family. But I have to say this; every day in this country many people died waiting for a viable transplant donor to become available. It is my understanding from my transplant doctors that an adult lung CANNOT be transplant in a child for obvious reasons. The lung would not fit into their tiny chest cavity. It seems to me that Sarah’s mother has some of her facts wrong, I am not trying to criticized her or in any way make light of the serious condition her daughter is in, but please have all of your facts right before you pressure people (Gift of Life) to take an adult lung from someone who could have been waiting for a transplant much longer than 18 months and who is very critical. As far as the lobar lung transplant goes as of 2011 only 400 patients worldwide has had this done because it is so dangerous and complicated.


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