Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Be Someone's Hero. Give Blood

Be Someone's Hero. Give Blood

Friday, May 15th 2013,
When I first read this question, it brought me back to the 80’s. Does anyone else remember those first articles about the “gay plague” that was originally called Gay Related Immune Deficiency? Back then we were told that the only folks at risk for this teriffying new disease were gay men (not lesbians – just gay men), Haitians and intervenous drug users. That made Americans feel better because it meant it was confined to “those people.” A bit later we learned that because HIV can be passed through blood transfusions, another at risk population was hemophiliacs. (BTW, the blood banks knew for awhile but refused to do anything to mitigate the damage being caused. I highly recommend the book “And the Band Played On…” by Randy Shilts.)

New, improved HIV tests In March 2006, the Red Cross, the international blood association AABB and America’s Blood Centers proposed replacing the lifetime ban with a one-year deferral following male-to-male sexual contact. New and improved tests, which can detect HIV-positive donors within just 10 to 21 days of infection, make the lifetime ban unnecessary, the blood groups told the FDA.
However we know now exactly how and why AIDS is transmitted, we know how to test for HIV and we know that AIDS is not limited to any single demographic or small group of demographics. This rule is a throw back, it remains simply because of homophobia, and it needs to be changed. This is so sad because for over twenty five, I have been tested every year and for twenty five years it's has come back Negative. What's wrong with this picture? But without hesitation they ask for my donation of Forty dollars each year to keep my name on the list of donors. With all the modern advancement that we have overcome, you would think it would change the way we give blood and the way it's it tested. Here is a list of who can't be a Blood Donor below.

Persons at risk for AIDS (or those listed below and their sexual partners) are NOT permitted to give blood:
•Anyone infected with the AIDS virus (HIV)
•Anyone who has ever used illegal IV drugs (using needles)
•Any male who has had sex with another male, even one time, since 1977
•Anyone who has had sex in exchange for money or drugs since 1977
•Anyone who has had gonorrhea or syphilis (VD) in the last 12 months
•Anyone with hemophilia who has received clotting factor concentrates
Blood donors are needed every day. If you are able to give blood, please join our efforts to save lives on Delmarva!

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