Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bank fees what a rip off and they take more and more!!

Bank fees what a rip off and they take more and more!!

A friend of mine gave me a twenty dollar check so i was close to her bank and went in to cash it out when the teller ask me if i had an account and i said no and she replyed that will cost you five dollars cash checking fee, where will this all end. Soon you will be charged a talking fee. don't laugh that will be next Banks reinvest their depositors' funds so they're making money from the interest they're now earning on your money. And, people are complaining about fees that are for ridiculous things like ATM charges. Banks want people to use the ATM cards but then charge them for using it. They're not happy that people have their money with them, they charge because you don't keep a minimum balance in the account, etc. The banks make enough money off of justified fees like bounced check charges, overdraft charges, stop payment charges, interest on loans/credit cards, early CD withdrawals, etc. Between these types of fees and the interest they're earning on our money, that's what's paying salaries.

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