Friday, January 24, 2014

House Speaker John Boehner tells Jay Leno government shutdown was "a predictable disaster"

House Speaker John Boehner tells Jay Leno government shutdown was "a predictable disaster" 

House Speaker John Boehner appeared on on the "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno last night. 

House Speaker John Boehner stayed up past his 10 PM bedtime on Thursday night to appear on NBC's "Tonight Show" with Jay Leno, where he denied ever using tanning aids, joked about his name's pronunciation, and described his job "as trying to get 218 frogs in a wheelbarrel long enough to pass a bill."
The West Chester Republican told Leno that GOP infighting is probably the worst he's seen during more than two decades in the House of Representatives, but said their fights are mostly over tactics because they agree on the goals of getting rid of Obamacare and not having the government spend more than it takes in.
Boehner called the government shutdown of 2013 a "predictable disaster," and said he urged his colleagues against it. He said he agreed to do it because that's what House Republicans wanted to do.
"A leader without followers is simply a man taking a walk," he explained, adding that he views himself as a big brother or father figure to some House Republicans, a dean of students or school principal to others, and even "the Gestapo" to a few.
He said he personally gets along with President Barack Obama, although they view their jobs differently: "I'm right of center, I think he's way left of center."
Boehner declined to say who he'll back for president in 2016, although he said he likes former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and considers him a friend.
When asked about the recent controversy over aides of New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie creating traffic jams at the George Washington Bridge as an act of political retribution against a local mayor, Boehner applauded Christie for firing those involved and taking responsibility, though he said "this is not going to go away anytime soon."
He told Leno he figured he should go on the show now because "I heard the show was about over and I figured I'd better get here before it was too late."
"I was going to say the same thing for you," Leno replied.

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