Times' probe finds no al-Qaeda link to Benghazi raid
The report found that the deadly attack was fueled by anger over
an anti-Islam U.S.-made video.
A lengthy New York Times investigation of the deadly 2012 attack on the U.S
diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya, found no involvement by al-Qaeda or other
international terrorists groups and was accelerated in part by anger at a
U.S.-made video denigrating Islam.
The attack left four Americans dead, including U.S. Ambassador
Christopher Stevens.
The six-part report on the investigation is written by David D.
Kirkpatrick and was posted Saturday on the Times' website. It centers on extensive interviews with
Libyans in Benghazi who, the newspaper says, had direct knowledge of the attack
and its context.
"The attack does not appear to have been meticulously planned, but neither was it spontaneous or without warning signs," the Times concludes.
The newspaper notes that Republicans have argued that the Obama
administration was trying to cover up al-Qaeda's alleged role in the attack.
"It was very clear to the individuals on the ground that
this was an al-Qaeda-led event," Rep, Mike Rogers, R-Mich., who is
chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, said last month on Fox News.
"But the Republican arguments appear to conflate purely
local extremist organizations like Ansar al-Shariah with Al Qaeda's
international terrorist network," the Times report says. "The only
intelligence connecting Al Qaeda to the attack was an intercepted phone call
that night from a participant in the first wave of the attack to a friend in
another African country who had ties to members of Al Qaeda, according to
several officials briefed on the call. But when the friend heard the attacker's
boasts, he sounded astonished, the officials said, suggesting he had no prior
knowledge of the assault."
The newspaper says that a fuller account of the Benghazi attacks
"suggests lessons for the United States that go well beyond Libya."
"It shows the risks of expecting American aid in a time of
desperation to buy durable loyalty, and the difficulty of discerning friends
from allies of convenience in a culture shaped by decades of anti-Western
sentiment," the Times investigation says. "Both challenges now
hang over the American involvement in Syria's civil conflict."
The Times says a central figure in the attack was an
eccentric, malcontent local militia leader, Ahmed Abu Khattala. It says U.S.
officials briefed on an American criminal investigation into the killings call
him a prime suspect.
The report says Abu Khattala had no known affiliations with
terrorist groups, and had escaped scrutiny from the 20-person CIA station in
Benghazi that was set up to monitor local conditions.
Abu Khattala denied to the newspaper that he participated in the
attack, but the newspaper says he was "firmly embedded in the network of
Benghazi militias before and afterward."
The Times report on the attack itself says the U.S.
compound had been under surveillance at least 12 hours before the assault
"The violence, though, also had spontaneous elements,"
the Times writes. "Anger at the (anti-Islam) video motivated the
initial attack."
The video, titled "Innocence of Muslims" was made by
an American, but had appeared almost exclusively only online, on YouTube. It
had also prompted protests for hours the day before at the U.S. Embassy in
"Dozens of people (in Benghazi) joined in, some of them
provoked by the video and others responding to fast-spreading false rumors that
guards inside the American compound had shot Libyan protesters," The Times writes. "Looters and arsonists, without any sign of a plan,
were the ones who ravaged the compound after the initial attack, according to
more than a dozen Libyan witnesses as well as many American officials who have
viewed the footage from security cameras."
The Times says Abu Khattala, who
still freely moves around the area, suggested that the video insulting the
Prophet Mohammed might well have justified the killing of four Americans.
"From a religious point of view, it is hard to say whether it is good or
bad," he told the newspaper.
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