Monday, November 25, 2013

Detroit Man Protects Home With Dummies

Detroit Man Protects Home With Dummies

Is it possible to be too serious about home security? For one Detroit man, there's no such thing as being too cautious. According to KARE 11, the man is using CPR dummies dressed as gang members to help him protect his property.

"I saw someone on the east side doing this and now I'm doing it. The police stop, look, knock and tell me what a good idea this is," he told NBC affiliate WDIV.

According to 22 News, the mannequins stand guard on the home 24 hours, 7 days a week. The Detroit home, located on the west side of the city, is the only home still cared for on an abandoned street. The lack of neighbors occupying neighboring homes has made the Detroit man's home a target for criminals and unwanted guests.

"A car will come by and they pick my place because I keep it nice. They'll slow down, see the dummies and take off. They come back around and look again. Eventually if they figure out they are dummies they are also figuring out that now they're being watched. They keep moving. They don't stop," he added.
In addition to the protective dummies, the house has been set-up with spotlights, watch dogs and bars locking every window. And the security doesn't stop there— security cameras have been installed in the dummies eyes making it clear to any intruder that they are being watched.

"If you get past the lights, alarm, dogs, doors, and dummies, then you have another problem, you have to deal with me," he said. "My home is my castle."

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