Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Every thing was going great till he started drinking every night and day that was the beginning of the end of my life.  Every time we had a fight it was my entire fault and never his, we moved in together at the end of Aug and by Sept 13th he was ask to leave the apartment and he would be arrested if he come back on the property and that same night he was arrested for being drunk in public all on record in Staunton Va, Police Dept and had to spend the night in Verona Jail where I had to pick his sorry ass up there the next day... I paid all the bills and rent, He never help out with anything at all, He ask for a loan so I gave it to him and now I'll never get that money back , I did win it back in court he said he would not pay it back because he  was filing for bankruptcy, I did not know you could do that when you owe the State for Restitution ,I really need to check into that, This is what I mean.. I don't feel sorry for the next BF that he webs in; he also turned out be a big ass hole, Like my ex “I call him the ant eater he looks like one, so called ass whole boy friend , They are called  two peas in a pod “TWO ASS HOLES” in a pod. He started emailing me  from my ex’s computer like it was my Ex. I wonder if I could file charges on one or the other. I also have every single email that was sent to me from his computer. My ex is nothing but a Pathological liar or I refers to him as BAITER.  He  has a long ass police record. This is just two of his many arrest records that you can access by going  to the web link below,  in Feb he told me that he spent two weeks in jail in Dec and that’s why it was so quiet on both sides. So you see what I’m saying.  Your whole life you spent being a Pathological liar. Good luck to you and the ass hole BF.

Hearing  Date Hearing Time Charge Action
9/16/2003 AMBAD CHECK $110.64Mark For Payment
9/16/2003 AMBAD CHECK $157.97Mark For Payment
9/16/2003 AMBAD CHECK $97.29Mark For Payment
9/16/2003 AMBAD CHECK $39.19Mark For Payment
9/16/2003 AMBAD CHECK $166.97Mark For Payment
.9/16/2003 AMBAD CHECK $76.41Mark For Payment

 And there a lot more where this came from. Also go to http://virginia.arrests.org  And just type in there name and you will be blown away who’s all there. How say I lie again and I’ll put more information out there with mug pictures.

 Charge 1
       STATUTE: 18.2-172
 Charge 2
       STATUTE: 18.2-172
 Charge 3
       STATUTE: 18.2-172
 Charge 4
       STATUTE: 18.2-172
 Charge 5
       STATUTE: 18.2-172
 Charge 6
       STATUTE: 18.2-172
 Charge 7
       STATUTE: 18.2-96
 Charge 8
       STATUTE: 18.2-96

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